Blue Ventures has learnt how to develop locally led approaches to marine conservation that benefit people and nature alike. We were founded on the simple idea of putting communities at the heart of conservation. By listening and responding to basic human needs, we design our models to catalyse and sustain marine conservation, unlocking the potential of coastal communities to manage their resources. We work in places where the ocean is vital to local cultures and economies, and are committed to advancing the rights of small-scale fishers throughout the coastal tropics.
We’ve shared our approaches with partners and communities across the Indian Ocean, driving replication of the model in ten countries, reaching over 650,000 beneficiaries. And in our more established markets, where our core model is already outperforming traditional government-led initiatives, it is driving real policy change.
At its heart, our low-cost, simple approach earns fishing communities more through increased catches and better livelihoods, and so it reshapes the economic relationship between people and conservation. It motivates fishing communities, seafood companies and governments to cooperate and take more ambitious steps to safeguard the marine resources underpinning coastal livelihoods. We believe that it holds the power to catalyse systemic change across entire coastlines.